Encontros bimensais de alunos de doutoramento da EAAD

Bi-monthly meetings of EAAD doctoral students

Os encontros SHARE são seminários bimensais, criados, coordenados e realizados por alunos de doutoramento inscritos no terceiro ciclo de formação da Escola de Arquitetura, Arte e Design da Universidade do Minho / Lab2PT. Além de se tratar de um momento de encontro, cada sessão possibilita a um(a) doutorando(a) apresentar o progresso do seu trabalho de investigação e receber contributos dos seus pares. A comissão organizadora é, neste momento, composta pelos doutorandos Catarina Dias, Diana Gouveia Amaral e Lucas Carneiro. Se desejares apresentar num dos seminários contacta-nos via email.

The SHARE meetings are bi-monthly seminars created, coordinated, and held by doctoral students enrolled in the third cycle of studies in the School of Architecture, Art, and Design at the University of Minho / Lab2PT. Besides being an opportunity for doctorate students to meet, each session enables a doctoral student to present the progress of their research and receive contributions from their peers. The organizing committee is, at this moment, composed by PhD candidates Catarina Dias, Diana Gouveia Amaral and Lucas Carneiro. If you wish to present in one of the seminars please contact us via email.

SHARE Calendar / iCal

Lista de apresentações
List of presentations
#2 SHARE | Sarah Shrbaji

A Fictional Representation in the Geo-architecture of Syrian Student Migrations to Portugal: traces and chronotopes of (e)scape paths amidst the Mediterranean from 2014 to 2018

22 de julho, Sexta-feira, das 12h00 ás 13h00.

Sala EA1.09 da Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurém.

The theme is a geo-architectural two-fold that addresses a representation of Syrian student migrations to Portugal. The structure is split into two parts: theoretical, expressing how “architecture for migration in words” could communicate from the performed dialogs about the migratory itineraries a translation of words onto architectural language; then, practical, implementing the theoretical on “architecture for migratory contexts and their escapes”, as an approach for visual and textual representation of selected Syrian student migrations. The current phase of the thesis is in the experimental process of the practical work, building a method of representation that concerns the agency of mapping.

#representation; migration; time-space; mapping; intersubjectivity

Sarah Shrbaji is a Ph.D. student at Lab2pt with an FCT scholarship grant since November, 2020 in the School of Architecture, Art and Design of Minho University, where she has completed her Integrated master’s degree in Architecture in December, 2018.  Sarah has participated as a researcher and archiver in two academic projects focusing on the interdisciplinary field of architecture.